4 new reviews of sunday strain´s "destiny.done"
The llovespell side project released the second Album "destiny.done" in June 2011 on Wrotycz Records. Here you can read new reviews for the album:
destiny.done at brutalresonance.com
destinx.done at santasangremagazine.com
destiny.done at blackmagazin.com
destiny.done at side-line.com
Some older reviews:
"destiny.done" at nonpop.de
"destiny.done" at terrorverlag.de
"destiny.done" at necroweb.de
"destiny.done" at darkplanet.pl
"destiny.done" at vitalweekly.net
destiny.done at brutalresonance.com
destinx.done at santasangremagazine.com
destiny.done at blackmagazin.com
destiny.done at side-line.com
Some older reviews:
"destiny.done" at nonpop.de
"destiny.done" at terrorverlag.de
"destiny.done" at necroweb.de
"destiny.done" at darkplanet.pl
"destiny.done" at vitalweekly.net
a rainy thought of love comes in and takes me home ...
"a rainy thought of love" is our favorite song from our third album "every song is a llovesong". Soon two actual remixes can be heard in our Sondcloud set.
Listen to our new songs and remixes at soundcloud.com :
The next song we will introduce is the title track from our second album "signatures of sympathy." It is definitely one of our favorite songs. Since 2005 we have played it at every concert. Soon you can hear the remix of 2011 as well as two live recordings from 2007 and 2008.
winter 2
Today we begin to introduce new remixes and new tracks.
The first song is from our debut album "Symmetric poetry". It was the last song we recorded for the album. "Winter 2" was released on the album in two versions. The original version and a remix of Hans Johm "winter 2 (thaw)" called. Later, we released a version on tape with Jack or Jive. Chako added a wonderful singing.
One step back. One step forward. Everything will remain.
Starting next week we will present a weekly title from the last five albums. Stay tuned for remixes, live versions and original recordings.
summer is gone
The summer break is over. We are working on new songs and make
songs from the past 10 years new. In a few days you can hear the first
tracks. More news soon.
antlers mulm t-shirt "paranoid blue"
antlers mulm t-shirt “paranoid blue”.
white print on black t-shirt (front) and dark blue t-shirts with the same white front print on it.
unisex sizes S, M, L, XL and woman/girlie (black only) S, M, (women: if you want another size – please ask for).
antlers mulm t-shirt “paranoid blue”.
white print on black t-shirt (front) and dark blue t-shirts with the same white front print on it.
unisex sizes S, M, L, XL and woman/girlie (black only) S, M, (women: if you want another size – please ask for).
5 new reviews of sunday strain´s "destiny.done" in july
The llovespell side project released the second Album "destiny.done" in June 2011 on Wrotycz Records. Here you can read reviews for the album:
"destiny.done" at nonpop.de
"destiny.done" at terrorverlag.de
"destiny.done" at necroweb.de
"destiny.done" at darkplanet.pl
"destiny.done" at vitalweekly.net
"destiny.done" at nonpop.de
"destiny.done" at terrorverlag.de
"destiny.done" at necroweb.de
"destiny.done" at darkplanet.pl
"destiny.done" at vitalweekly.net
antlers mulm review on terrible-music
I am quite sure I have said this before... the best minimal electronics is done by people who do not make this music because of this style but simply as a result of their way of working.
Antlers Mulm is not at all a name many people will come up with when talking about minimal electronics... but in the end this project by Hans Johm is just that. And... even better as Antlers Mulm treats us with some of the best minimal electronics around with this new album entitled 'The Age Of Efficiency'.
What makes the music so good is that Antlers Mulm combines in a very natural way elements of synth music, industrial and neo folk. Musically this is like the dark side of minimal synth. You hear the dark mood coming in from some neo folk hooks. The industrial influences are harder to find on this new album but if you are familiar with the older work of Antlers Mulm you can hear where all of this is coming from. Also the design shows the tradition this music is situated in.
'The Age Of Efficiency' is somewhere in between some of the poppier stuff Antlers Mulm has done... like the track on the 'Radio Resistencia' compilation... and the more ambient orientated pieces to be found for example on his previous album 'Of Withered Sparks'. In bringing these worlds more together on this new album the musician has created very powerful songs and more important a true style of his own... even more as before...
The minimalism of Suicide is hidden in the repetitive basslines. This combined with eerie minimal synth sounds, neo-romantic and at times folky melodies and vocals delivered in a sort of spoken word way results in songs both soothing and disturbing. Impressive!
Also in another way this album is impressive. The complete album consists of an LP, a one sided LP and a two track cd. One track on this cd is done together with Frank Machau known from neo folk band Orplid. This massive album is still strong and attractive to listen to. Which is an achievement... as often less is more...
'The Age Of Efficiency' is released on the label Sonderübertragung! which is run by Hans Johm himself. The release comes in an edition of 197 hand numbered copies. So if you want to hear one of the best "minimal synth" albums of this year you should be quick...
Antlers Mulm is not at all a name many people will come up with when talking about minimal electronics... but in the end this project by Hans Johm is just that. And... even better as Antlers Mulm treats us with some of the best minimal electronics around with this new album entitled 'The Age Of Efficiency'.
What makes the music so good is that Antlers Mulm combines in a very natural way elements of synth music, industrial and neo folk. Musically this is like the dark side of minimal synth. You hear the dark mood coming in from some neo folk hooks. The industrial influences are harder to find on this new album but if you are familiar with the older work of Antlers Mulm you can hear where all of this is coming from. Also the design shows the tradition this music is situated in.
'The Age Of Efficiency' is somewhere in between some of the poppier stuff Antlers Mulm has done... like the track on the 'Radio Resistencia' compilation... and the more ambient orientated pieces to be found for example on his previous album 'Of Withered Sparks'. In bringing these worlds more together on this new album the musician has created very powerful songs and more important a true style of his own... even more as before...
The minimalism of Suicide is hidden in the repetitive basslines. This combined with eerie minimal synth sounds, neo-romantic and at times folky melodies and vocals delivered in a sort of spoken word way results in songs both soothing and disturbing. Impressive!
Also in another way this album is impressive. The complete album consists of an LP, a one sided LP and a two track cd. One track on this cd is done together with Frank Machau known from neo folk band Orplid. This massive album is still strong and attractive to listen to. Which is an achievement... as often less is more...
'The Age Of Efficiency' is released on the label Sonderübertragung! which is run by Hans Johm himself. The release comes in an edition of 197 hand numbered copies. So if you want to hear one of the best "minimal synth" albums of this year you should be quick...
antlers mulm review on terrorverlag.de
Ziemlich genau zwei Jahre sind seit dem letzten Album vergangen. Nun legt ANTLERS MULM mit „The age of efficiency“ sein neues Werk vor. Den Sammler und Vinylfreund wird’s begeistern. Denn aktuell erscheint nur die auf 197 Exemplare limitierte Vorzugsausgabe als LP mit zusätzlicher 12“, CDr, Beiblatt und zwei identischen Postkarten, „damit vielleicht auch mal eine tatsächlich verschickt wird“, wie Mastermind Hans Johm anmerkt. Die ersten 42 Exemplare beinhalten zudem noch drei hochwertige Kunstdrucke.
Die wahrscheinlich im späten Sommer erscheinende CD-Version wird lediglich die Songs der LP beinhalten. Kommen wir aber zur Musik. Und da wird es auch schon schwierig. Wer den Sound von ANTLERS MULM zu schätzen weiß, der wird auch das neue Werk lieben. Für die, die das Leipziger Projekt noch nicht kennen, erst mal ein „Herzliches Beileid!“ Und dann die Erklärung: Vergleiche anstellen macht keinen Sinn, denn ANLTERS MULM hat seinen ganz eigenen Stil. Am ehesten trifft ein Schritt rückwärts in die späten 70er/ frühen 80er zu: Minimal Proto-Wave. Sehr eingängig und angenehm zu hören, durchaus experimentell, aber ohne aufwühlende Klangeinlagen. Die Songs kommen fast poppig daher, was in keinster Weise ein Kritikpunkt ist. Dazu als markantestes Stilmittel Johms harmonische und warme Stimme, der sich sowohl musikalisch als auch stimmlich von VÖ zu VÖ steigert. Der Sound ist sehr angenehm und könnte damit auch weit über die Szene hinaus Anklang finden. Die ideale Musik für relaxte Momente.
Insgesamt ist „The age of efficiency“ ein sehr empfehlenswertes Album. Für die Szene und auch darüber hinaus. Wer ANTLERS MULM noch nicht kennt: Hört es euch im Internet an. Ihr werdet es lieben. Und die Vorzugsausgabe ist schon wegen der Vinylausgabe und der zusätzlichen Songs eine absolute Kaufempfehlung.
Insgesamt ist „The age of efficiency“ ein sehr empfehlenswertes Album. Für die Szene und auch darüber hinaus. Wer ANTLERS MULM noch nicht kennt: Hört es euch im Internet an. Ihr werdet es lieben. Und die Vorzugsausgabe ist schon wegen der Vinylausgabe und der zusätzlichen Songs eine absolute Kaufempfehlung.
sunday strain album out now on Wrotycz Records
After a strictly limited debut album on Sonderubertragung Sunday Strain is back with new energy and ideas. Formed in 2005 as a side project of Llovespell it is now a full-grown band still experimenting but this time also using bass and drums instruments accompanied by clear and strong vocals of Dorain W. "Destiny.Done" brings over 45 minutes of sophisticated electronic music with admixture of pop elements and dark atmosphere. Mastered by Andreas Wahnmann (First Law) comes in an elegant 6 panel digipack designed by Hans Johm (Antlers Mulm).
remix compilation
Next year we celebrate our 10th Birthday. For this reason, we are working on a remix compilation of our favorite songs. Please write us what songs we should not forget in any case.
Are you musicians take contact if you want to contribute a remix.
Please write via Facebook, Myspace, or wherever you find us!
Are you musicians take contact if you want to contribute a remix.
Please write via Facebook, Myspace, or wherever you find us!
llovespell review on blackmagazin.com
LLOVESPELL – Audioemotional Retreat (MC / CD)
Wähnte sich mancher Rezensent beim letzten LLOVESPELL-Album „Last Breath Before Light“ aufgrund der darauf erzeugten schroff-grauen Ambient-Atmosphäre gar im kalten Weltraum, so taucht das Duo (nach meiner persönlichen Interpretation) diesmal mit „Audioemotional Retreat“ in geheimnisvolle Tiefseeoasen ab. Gedämpfte Beats und Unterwasser-Atemgeräusche leiten das Album stimmungsvoll ein, doch schon beim zweiten Track werden diese dominant-federnder bzw. fransiger und klingen so, wie typische Soundcloud-Pegel aussehen. Neben der mehr vom Rhythmus bestimmten Strukturen ist auch die Gesamtatmosphäre wieder deutlich wärmer geworden, allerdings ohne dabei rückblickend auf die eigene Entwicklung zu sein. Geblieben sind dagegen vom letzten Album die roboterhaften Vocals von Mandie K., welche an Flughafen- oder Bahnsteig-Ansagen erinnern und auf mich irgendwie sexy wirken. Zwischen brodelnden hydrothermalen Quellen, Meereswirbeln und Korallenriffs bewegen sich die 9 Tracks und man könnte es auch folgendermaßen auf den Punkt bringen: Folgt aufgeschlossen bzw. erwartungsvoll dem Duo LLOVESPELL und egal, ob ihr dabei nun an Jacques-Yves und Simone Cousteau oder doch lieber an Juri und Valentina Gagarin denkt! „Audioemotional Retreat“ ist ein weiteres faszinierendes Album von LLOVESPELL, das sich wiederum erst nach so einigen Hördurchläufen erschließt und dann jedoch um so mehr zu fesseln vermag. Erhältlich auf CD und MC, wobei letztere Ausgabe als Bonus auf der B-Seite 9 bisher unveröffentlichte Live-Tracks aus den Jahren 2005 bis 2008 + 2 Sticker enthält. Die Kassette ist limitiert auf 65 Stück und von der CD gibt es 314 Einheiten. (Marco Fiebag)
sunday strain "destiny.done"
The new Sunday Strain album "destiny.done" will be released this spring. Next week there will be the first finished songs on Soundcloud and Myspace. The mastering did Andreas Wahnmann. The digipak designed Hans Johm. Both have done an excellent job. More information is coming soon ...
antlers mulm “the age of efficieny”
antlers mulm “the age of efficieny”
LP/EP/CD-R (ltd. 190)
the special edition LP contains 10 + 1 tracks on 180g vinyl, a one sided 4 track 12” vinyl EP and a Single CD-R called “shrouded horde” (the title track is a collaboration with Frank Machau) with 2 tracks.
the first 40 copies will come with 3 additional signed fine-art prints of manipulated paintings by Hans Johm in special lp-package.
LP/EP/CD-R (ltd. 190)
the special edition LP contains 10 + 1 tracks on 180g vinyl, a one sided 4 track 12” vinyl EP and a Single CD-R called “shrouded horde” (the title track is a collaboration with Frank Machau) with 2 tracks.
the first 40 copies will come with 3 additional signed fine-art prints of manipulated paintings by Hans Johm in special lp-package.
red or blue
the first 15 copies of sue38cd will have red covers with a grey-green print.
the following are dark blue ones with also grey-green print.
if you want a red one, tell it quickly!
the following are dark blue ones with also grey-green print.
if you want a red one, tell it quickly!
sue38 | llovespell | audioemotional retreat
the shipping of both the cd and the mc starts next thursday, march 31th.
the b side of the mc contains the following compiled live recordings from 2005-2008:
constraint to describe | circles | the touch i fear | behind the words | signature of sympathy |
sorrel and blackhorse | access | soft pressure as a reward | undine
you can order a support disc of the b side (2,-eur)
sue38cd/lim.314 >> 13,-eur
sue38mc/lim.65/with bonus tracks + 2 stickers >> 15,-eur
Listen to excerpts of the new album on SoundCloud !
Listen to excerpts of the new album on SoundCloud :
new album in april 2011
CD ltd. 300/MC edition (very ltd.)
Société pour Stabilité et Permanence via SUE
10 years from the beginning of SUE to now. Llovespell are back with their latest songs to celebrate this memorable point in time: a step forward again for the worldwide operating Leipzig based ATMOSPHERIC SPINE POP scene around SUE.
you will identify the 8 tracks as a statement on the band’s own remarkable universe in sound, rhythm and the use of lyrics.
welcome to your new construction set of self-knowledge and sensory completition.
CD ltd. 300/MC edition (very ltd.)
Société pour Stabilité et Permanence via SUE
10 years from the beginning of SUE to now. Llovespell are back with their latest songs to celebrate this memorable point in time: a step forward again for the worldwide operating Leipzig based ATMOSPHERIC SPINE POP scene around SUE.
you will identify the 8 tracks as a statement on the band’s own remarkable universe in sound, rhythm and the use of lyrics.
welcome to your new construction set of self-knowledge and sensory completition.
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